
Practicalities of concealed carry and militia training in the Czech Republic (II/II)

Second part of Freetom‘s interview with Czech gun owners focuses on practicalities of concealed carry and also touches on the issue of government supported training of armed civilians in order to strengthen internal security.


Freetom is an Italian youtuber who visited the Czech Republic in order to learn about laws and practicalities of firearm ownership. The Czech Republic has the longest history of civilian firearms possession with roots in the medieval Hussite wars. Starting in 1419, the Czech Crown lands were being invaded by crusader armies from all around Europe, relying mostly on standard medieval tactics and cold weapons. Facing professional warriors, Czech forces comprised primarily of commoners’ militia which heavily relied on use of firearms.

Civilian firearms possession became a matter of course throughout and after the Hussite wars. In 1517, a de facto constitution proclaimed that “all people of all standing have the right to keep firearms at home“. With exception of period of Nazi occupation and Communist dictatorship, the Czechs have always enjoyed the right to keep and bear arms.

Today, some 310.000 people in the country have firearms license, of which over 250.000 have license for protection of life, health and property which allows them to carry a concealed firearm.

Interviewing Czech gun owners

Tomasso interviews Czech minority gun owners: women, immigrants and LGBT. The first part of the interview focuses on general issues concerning concealed carry, as explained by medical professional Tereza and language teacher/photographer Elen.

The second part (below) goes into greater detail regarding practical and legal issues of concealed carry.

Šadi Diab is an immigrant with Arabic-Slavic roots who has for years worked in a gun shop. Having acquired Czech citizenship, he now works for law enforcement as a K9 officer. With vast professional experience in the field, Šadi explains various considerations regarding concealed carry.

Lance’s interview focuses more on societal and historical aspects of Czech civilian firearms possession.

In the closing part, Tomasso again talks to Tereza. This time about government supported training of armed civilians for the purposes of internal security, which was introduced in the beginning of 2021 mainly as a response to a wave of Islamic terror attacks throughout Europe. The courses focus on active killer response, CQB as well as other advanced shooting drills. Tereza explains why she chose to join the course and shows her private gear and armaments. is a website focusing on practical, legal, cultural and societal issues of civilian firearms possession. Second main focus of the website concerns Czech laws on self defense. Vast majority of content is in Czech language.

If you want to learn more about firearms in the Czech Republic, you can start with the following Wikipedia articles in English:

You may also find interesting the following interviews in English that deal mostly with firearms possession in other European countries.


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